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Wheelchair Tent in Chicago, 2022, Watercolor on Paper, 40" x 60" |
He called himself Shadow. Or so he told me. This
painting reminds me of him because he was a homeless guy in a wheelchair.
Though I don’t think this was his wheelchair and tent. I suppose there’s a
possibility this was Shadow’s since I never saw the person presumably inside
the tent. But I also never saw Shadow with a tent.
I would see him on my way to class, walking through downtown Chicago from my dorm. He was often sitting in his wheelchair outside the 711 with a cup for people to put money in. I’d say hi, maybe talk to him for a bit, and give him a five or something. After a while, I got to know him better. I learned that he was a biker and was in a biker gang at one time. He also said he was a bouncer at a bar. He seemed to have had an interesting life. He also said he was dying, that he had lung cancer. As he tossed his spent cigarette into the street.
Sometimes he asked me to help push him somewhere.
Usually just down the street to the bus stop. Once on my way back to the dorm.
I ran into him being pushed by someone else. I never saw this other person
again, so I never got to know her, but she looked like she could’ve been
another art student at SAIC. She just had that vibe. Anyways, he told her that
he knew me and that I could push him the rest of the way.
Like usual, he was being pushed in the wheelchair
backwards so that he was facing me. For whatever reason, I didn’t understand
why, he claimed that it was easier… oh yeah, if I remember correctly, he said
something about his feet hitting the ground. He wanted to go to the drug store
to buy some whiskey. He was really excited to show me how he bought the
We got to the store and went straight to the
liquor aisle. I was very familiar with this aisle at this drug store. I would
get this bottom shelf 1.75-liter bottle of vodka for a little over ten dollars.
Well, with tax, maybe closer to fifteen. That stuff tasted horrible but was
nice and cheap and lasted me about a week. Back to Shadow though. He wanted a
fifth of some bottom shelf whiskey. The store wasn’t too busy at this time, so
we were able to walk right up to a cash register.
I offer to help, but he says, “I got this.”
Shadow stands up from the wheelchair, a few steps away from the register and
puts the bottle on the counter. He turns back to his wheelchair and fumbles
through the bag hanging off the side until he finds his cup. He pulls out a few
bills and a pile of coins. I notice a five, but the total is barely eight or
nine dollars. Without saying anything the cashier rings up the bottle, never
making eye contact with Shadow or me, and takes the money.
Shadow looks at me, smiling, “See they know me
here, they’re cool.” He’s gesturing with a thumb’s up behind him toward the
cashier. While they do seem to recognize Shadow, they are very much not smiling
or as happy as he is that he’s here. Shadow gets back in the wheelchair, and I
push him out the store. He seems so proud of himself.
Shadow has me push him over to the bus stop. As
we go, he takes a swig of the whiskey. “Hey, you have some too.” He hands me
the bottle. I kind of shrug my shoulders and take the bottle, “Sure, why not?”
I took a swig myself, like the degenerate alcoholic I was back then.
My memory is a bit fuzzy and mixed up. I’m not
sure when some things happened on which night. I’m pretty sure we were at the
bus stop for some time, drinking and talking shit. I have this image in my mind
of the bottle being spilled or thrown in the street or something. I think this
was also the time that he invited me to hang out with him at his place
sometime. Shadow said he was staying at some sort of shelter, I think, that
charged five dollars a night… I think. He said I could draw him, or we could
drink or something. He wasn’t really clear on what we’d do. I was a little
nervous about this idea, not being sure where exactly his place was or what I
was getting myself into. But to some extent, I thought this could be an
interesting experience to say the least and maybe the nerves are just my social
Now I’m really not sure what I did the rest of
this night. Did I just go to my dorm? Or was this the night that I thought hey,
I’m drinks, let’s go take pictures, get more drinks… I think this was that
night. And if it was, this might have also been the night that I met David
Sudler. But I don’t know, that’s a different story. And another potential
friendship that I screwed up with my lack of social graces. Oh well, too bad.
Anyways, not too long after this- I think- was
when I saw Shadow with a group of guys that were arguing over something. Shadow
sort of motioned me over, I didn’t want to get involved but I didn’t want to
just keep walking and ignore Shadow either. “Don’t worry, he’s cool, I know
him,” Shadow reassures the other guys. They talked fast and with a pretty thick
Chicago accent, so I don’t quite remember exactly what they said. They seemed
nonplussed by my presence and kept arguing. If I remember correctly, they were
arguing about turf and this guy wasn’t supposed to be on this street.
He tried to walk away from the other two, going
into the 711. They followed him in, Shadow went in too while beckoning me to
come with. At this point, I’m not sure what to do. I really don’t want to get
involved but I kind of am now. And then part of me is curious, need to have
weird experiences to reference for the art stuff, right? The one guy who is not
supposed to be there is trying to buy something. The other two are still
yelling at him. The 711 clerk is trying his best to just ring up the stuff and
get this argument out of the store.
Something is said, I don’t remember what anymore,
but the one guy seems to finally agree to back down and leave this street. Or
rather, he wanted to leave, and the argument wasn’t going anywhere. Either way,
he takes whatever off the counter and hurries out the door, into the crowd. We
leave the 711 as well. The other two guys talk a little bit with Shadow, but
don’t say much. Probably don’t want to say anything more in front of me. Then
they’re off too.
Shadow turns to me, “Those guys are cool. They
work for me, I run this street.” Wait, what? Aren’t you homeless? “If you ever
want to make some money…” He seems to tell from my face and hesitation that I
don’t want to get involved. “Well, if you change your mind…” “Uh, yeah, thanks,
um, I got to go to class.” And I did. Like usual, I left early so this little
delay wouldn’t make me late, but I did need to go soon. “Yeah, right, see you
soon, man.” Shadow waved, I waved and started heading to class.
I’m pretty sure after this encounter, my
therapist told me I need to stop hanging out with Shadow. I told her about the
invite to hang out at his place, not being sure about where exactly that is,
and of course the whole argument with the guy over turf and Shadow saying he
ran that street. Not sure how serious he was about that or what exactly he
meant, maybe he just watches the street for them or something and says he runs
Either way, my therapist is not thrilled, “Why
are you spending so much time with this man experiencing homelessness?”
“Well, he’s interesting and he talked to me first
so he’s easy to talk to.”
“You’re going to this big art school, with all
these talented classmates. They’re interesting, they’re more interesting and
you have more in common with them being an art student too. You should be getting
to know your classmates.”
“Besides, he seems to have his own issues going
on and I don’t want you getting involved. You’re both going to make each other
worse off.”
“Yeah…” She was right about that. He was
definitely not the best role model to be taking advice from and I was not in
any position to give him the help that he’d need. So, staying away from him was
probably for the best. I was also a little afraid of Shadow at that point too.
Curious but afraid I was starting to get myself involved in something I really
didn’t want to be a part of.
The next time I saw Shadow, I told him straight
up, I can’t hang out with him anymore. I think he asked me to go to his place
again or maybe he just wanted to drink with me again. The one thing from this
last conversation I do remember was him crying. I told him my therapist doesn’t
want me to hang out with him anymore and though I still wanted to hang, I was
trying to deal with some issues. So, I wanted to trust the therapist and do as
she say. Tears roll down his face. He tries to convince me not to, says that
I’m a cool guy and he really liked drinking and hanging out with me. His voice
is actually shaking. Maybe he really is crying. I tell him I’m really sorry,
but I can’t.
I don’t know. Even in hindsight, I don’t know.
With him being involved with those dealers, probably was best that I walked
away. But still, the way he was crying. And were my classmates really more
interesting just because they go to some school. Most of them were younger and
didn’t have as much life experience. Shadow had life experience and stories to
tell… well, actually I probably already heard them all since I’ve heard them
about three or four times. But still, he was the elder alcoholic with stories
and that beautiful sort of cynical attitude that goes with drinking yourself to
the point of not feeling the cigarettes being put out on your hand and not
caring. I didn’t meet anyone else at SAIC who had the scars to prove they also
know that feel. …but this is exactly why I needed to get away from him too. I
know I was in no position to help him but to leave him crying like that.
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